Gemima Giraffe is finally written

About twelve months ago (at least – I have no sense of time) I designed a giraffe as all the patterns on the internet seemed to involve crocheting the head and body separately.

I have a thing for crocheting these as one piece – probably because I find it so hard to sew the two together and if children are involved I think the toy lasts longer when there is less sewing.

gemima front cover

And now I have finally written it up and have sent it off to be tested for both UK and US versions.

I have tried to get a bit more expression in the face primarily the mouth.

gemima side view

You may have seen earlier versions like this one.

gemima giraffe front

And the prototypes have various lengths for the legs. Some of these are still in my etsy shop.


Next on the agenda is to publish Mathilda Mermaid – which I am currently redesigning again as I am still not happy with the tail and the shape!

Teacosies and more teacosies

Last time I blogged I had made a pattern from a book on a teacosy that I thought would be perfect for a man.

The pattern was a single layer and on reflection I felt it was a bit on the mean side. I didn’t think it would keep the tea warm at all. So I added a liner.


And then as per usual I could not stop and had to make some more. I did the fish teacosy in a hunter green as well. Here is the fish with eye that is on that teacosy.


And then I thought a more formal look was still warranted.


And just for something different I thought spots would be fun – I kind of think its a little bit retro.DSCN0992

I have listed these in my etsy shop with free shipping in Australia.

Next I am going to design a Valentine’s teacosy in this theme, in between finalising my revisited design on a child’s mermaid and finishing off a shawl.

Its been a while – Teacosies for Blokes

The difficult thing about information technology is that it takes up valuable crochet time. So its either crochet or blog or social media. Some nights you can suddenly look up from any of these activities and wonder where the time has gone.

I wanted to post a blog about a beautiful blue rug I made but all the photos are on my phone and the computer says NO.

So here instead are some more tea cosies that I have made. I call these ones “Teacosies for Blokes”. Blokes being the male of the species in Australia.

All too often tea cosies are about pretty pretty things that I don’t think a man is really interested in.

This pattern came from “101 Quick and Easy Crochet Makes”. The pattern I think called for 10ply which I didn’t have so I made it using acrylic wool in 8ply and made sure it fitted the fattest part of a medium teapot.



The green one is the pattern in the magazine and I made another one in the background using the blue from the rug that I can’t show photos. You put the teapot into the teacosy rather than the teacosy going over the pot. Its only one layer. This tea pot is more wide and stout than the medium blue pot below so it shows that a variety of shapes will go well with the cosy.


Then I thought I might change it up a bit and do one for the fisherman so added seaweed and a fish for effect and did not put a border on the shirt collar. I put the embellishments on both sides of the cosy.


I think I will make another and make a double layer so it looks like a dinner jacket and shirt.

I have not decided whether I will put these on etsy or take them to a local tea shop to see if they are interested in them.

Etsy Etsy Etsy

Its always lovely to make things but at some point you have to make decisions about what to do with the excess.

There are limits to how much you can give away. I think I once got the comment “Yes thank you thats the third fox you have given me”. Ouch!

gemima giraffe front

So I decided to open an etsy shop. I listed a lot of tea cosies and had them at the price I sold at the Yamba Craft Show. I had a couple of looks and that was it. Even with free shipping to Australia!

kev koala

I read an article on a friend’s Facebook page and in it there was a discussion on pricing so even though mine sold in person I decided the world did not know me all that well so I lowered the price on the tea cosies and the price on the other toys that I listed today.

I still still have more to list but decided that I had done enough for today. And no I have not uploaded the listings for any foxes yet!

And then hopefully I can also load up patterns on ravelry. Never enough time in the day!

Pixie slippers and more

I think the gremlins are striking. Its been a busy time and I am trying to put this post up but I am not loved at the moment!

I have been working on a commission for pixie slippers. I am using Carolyn Christmas’ pattern but my cotton is not chunky enough so I have had to adjust the pattern. This is Bendigo Mills 8 ply cotton and its quite nice to work with. Each ball is 200grams so quite affordable.


This is the slipper up until the top of the arch of the foot.DSC_0577DSC_0552

Plus leaves have been asked for. Bells are to come to.


At the same time I did a giveaway on Facebook for a prototype of a mermaid.


This is how she ended up.

I plan on changing the hair and the tail before writing it up.


So instead I am writing up this little fellow. Just have to take photos and then send to testers. Not sure if it will be a free pattern or not yet.


The baby blanket is coming along. Three quarters of the way along.


I opened an Etsy shop!

I have spent most of the day trying to get my head around Etsy and put some stock into the shop.

It took me most of the time to list some of my tea cosies. I have to admit the whole thing is a little bit nerve wracking.


I have not got to the toys or the patterns yet.

I am unsure on the pricing but I figure as time goes by that I will get a better handle on the price.

I kept the medium tea cosies at the price that they sold at the Quota Yamba Craft Show.


I dropped the price on the small tea cosies as none of them sold at Yamba.


I did decide to offer free shipping in Australia and hoped to goodness that I got the shipping for International reasonable for both sides. Ah well time will tell!


Spring has sprung and summer has too!

Its a beautiful day in Coffs Harbour and its spring time – one of my favourite times of the year. All the flowers are coming out and everything feels hopeful. I have a thing for geraniums. Not the best shot but it was early morning.


But summer seems to have decided to come at the same time. Its going to be 32 degrees celsius today. And we need rain badly.

But thats not going to stop me from enjoying the flowers. Oops you cans see I haven’t taken all the pots away!



The frangipanis (pulmeras) are coming out and I love the scent.


The scenery from the deck isn’t too bad either!


Hope everyone has a great day.

Is there a yaranoholics anonymous out there?

I have spent most of today tidying up my ‘yarn’ room and have come to the conclusion that I think I might have a problem. I have put all my 4 ply cottons on shelves. My supplier, Crochet Australia, gave me the heads up that the price was about to rise so I bought some more and could not fit them on the shelves. You can see that I have no idea where to put my nick backs anymore – they are all lined up on the very top shelf! Even family photos have been shifted.


But I kind of finally managed it but only after I got rid of a row of books (not crochet ones of course!) The top row of the shelves are now free for more cotton.

Some of the Clever Country cottons have had to sit on the very top shelf.


This does not cover the wools that I have though some of the special wools (like the ones I am making the baby blanket are on the shelves). But the big drawers under the windows hold some of the wool. You can’t see these in the photo. But the finer cottons and some other bits and bobs for crochet are in the drawers under the shelves.

Now all I need is a comfy chair to be able to sit in there and decide what pattern to use next or what cotton combination.

Baby time

My gorgeous niece is in the process of making a baby so I decided to make her a baby rug to go with it! This is her second baby and so as to not make favourites I am making the same baby rug as last time …. just using different colours.


Its made from lace weight thread and I am using fybrespates scrumptious in wine gum and needlework lace in a 100% merino. One friend thought it was like a malachite rug.

This rug is from Inside Crochet Issue 33 and is called the Bernie Blanket.


The only problem is you are recommended to use a 4mm hook and I think my tension is too loose and I did not realise it until I was well into it. So it will be bigger than the last one but will still be able to be scrunched up into a ball and thrown into the handbag. Well thats the idea. If not I am sure it can still be used – even if its only to be pretty.


I am hoping there will be enough left over for me to make a shawl for myself from it!